Do They Deserve It?

Easter is pretty fresh on all of our minds. On Easter I think of the price that Christ paid for the forgiveness of us all. It’s one thing to think about the forgiveness we receive, but what about the forgiveness that we give?  It’s not easy, forgiveness that is. The reason? Because it involves hurt….

Sweetly Venomous

The bullet sinks into unsuspecting flesh A dangerous, poisonous projectile The person who pulls the trigger Sees no intent of evil They sniff the air for depravity If none is detected, then comes the magnifying glass Even if nothing is found A strike will come like a snake in the grass The venom is barely…

Relationships are Hard

No, I don’t just mean romantic ones or family ones.  Relationships are difficult, period. The level of effort required for a relationship is a major deciding factor when choosing whether or not to engage in it.  Is it worth it?  Should I open up my heart to this person?  Should I take a chance?  If…

A Year’s Worth of Decisions

Christmas season is here, and though things are as busy as they have ever been, I’m still reminded to stop and remember what the Christmas spirit is all about. It takes me back to my childhood and all the old stories and songs that are laced with good will, cheerfulness, and love. How even those…